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DOODLES (2006 – 2008)

It should be noted that many of Ciria’s series happen at the same time, meaning the artist works on different groups of paintings simultaneously, and retains recognizable characteristics in each one of them. Ciria has mentioned that this way of working gives him a greater sense of freedom and the chance to extrapolate conclusions between series, making constant references to an all encompassing «mainstream.»

Doodles (2008-2010) is a continuation of the very short Appelian Diversions (Divertimentos Appeleanos) suite from 2006, and is also a mutation of different series that were simultaneously underway in New York: La Guardia Place, the also brief Crazy Paintings and the De-occupations (Desocupaciones) suite (derived from Schandenmaske Masks).

Drawing was still the compositional armature and the iconography was retained in search of new modular elements (matrices), as it was in La Guardia Place.
The «stick men» of Ciria’s Doodles series are a mixture of temperatures that tries to keep from getting boxed in to any single unifying discourse. Thus, even in its limited extent the crossing of grounds and procedures of the «Perverse Garden» (El Jardín Perverso IV suite) appear rapidly.